Thursday, January 19, 2012


So, Steven is now beginning to vomit what food he does get down. Not a good thing at all. We have an appointment at the gastroenterologist on January 25th, so they can scope his stomach. Hopefully that will tell what in the world is going on!

His surgery date for his ureter is Feb. 2; however, we may have to reschedule that due to a FFA show in San Antonio on the 14th of February.

After taking three days of magnesium citrate, Ally hasn't made any progress with her constipation. I really don't know what else to do, but have an x-ray taken to possibly show if she has any obstruction going on in her intestinal track.

Jessica is thinking of going overseas for a three-month period to be a nanny. That sounds quite interesting, but we will see what happens with that.

I made progress yesterday with those things you never get to. Finally programming remotes for our tvs so that they work correctly, sewing up the hole in my slipper, and getting a huge bump out of the middle of my dad's exercise mat where the foam some how got bent over inside. Now I've got five ink cartridges ordered to get all of our printers working together. Now to figure out why the fax machine is sending faxes with a black line down them and figure out how to get the printer to scan like it's supposed to.

So here's to another good and productive day!

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