Thursday, January 5, 2012

Reply from Ally's PreK teacher

This was Ally's third day of school. I picked her up and went to Walmart. She was awake eat grapes until we pulled in. She slept for 45 minutes in the cart!
Here is a reply from a couple of questions I asked her. I was so excited to hear what she had to say below!
Thank you! She is doing great and everyone just loves her! The tickets are a behavior system the school does. They pass out tickets to students who are quiet and behaving in the hallways. They then get to trade the tickets in for stickers. The stickers go on a sticker chart and when they fill up their sticker chart, they are able to go to the office and get a prize. I think they gave it to her in the cafeteria yesterday after school. I will make sure and give her a sticker on her chart today.

For the Valentines party, they are allowed to bring gifts and candy. Valentines and Christmas are the two days they are allowed to bring candy and treats.

I will definitely let you know if anything is wrong. But she is a very sweet and well behaved girl! The speech therapist came and got her yesterday and said she did great for her and she was able to get quite a few words out of her. So that is good! Have a great rest of the week and weekend!

Feel free to contact me anytime.

Misty PuckettNeSmith ElementaryPre-K/PPCD

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